Siem Reap taxi to Kampot
Here are minivans and cars, Siem Reap taxi to Kampot, Kampot taxi to Siem Reap at any times of your requirement. Our drivers can speak very good English,they are friendly, flexible and honest. They can also pick you up from anywhere in Siem Reap or Kampot. Our vehicles like Lexus, Highlander, Hiance-van, H1-van and minibus are in good air-conditioning, clean and experienced drivers that will make you more comfortable for your long trip from Siem Reap to Kompot in 8/9-hours drive.
Lexus Rx300(suv) | 2-4 | $150 | 8hrs |
Highlander(suv) | 2-4 | $150 | 8hrs |
Mini-van(8seats) | 4-8 | $185 | 9hrs |
Mini-bus(25seat) | 15-20 | $250 | 9hrs |