Siem Reap taxi to Sihanoukville
Greeting to all ladies and gentlemen, we would like to inform you that we provide Siem Reap taxi to Sihanoukville, taxi from Sihanoukville to Siem Reap, taxi from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap, Sihanoukville taxi to Kep, Kampot, Battambang, Koh Kong, Mondulkiri with good English speaking driver, SUV cars, minivans, minibus and they are abusolutely comfortable. Please kilnly check the types of vechicles and quoted price. If you have got any suggestions, feel free to talk to us!
LEXUS RX300(4 SEAT) | 2-4 | USD150 | 9HRS |
HIGHLANDER(4 SETA) | 2-4 | USD150 | 9HRS |
Toyota Alphard(7 SEAT) | 4-6 | USD210 | 9HRS |
Minivan | 7-12 | USD230 | 9HRS |
H1-van(8 seat) | 5-8 | USD245 | 9HRS |
Hiance-van(8 seat) | 5-8 | USD315 | 9HRS |
Mini-bus(25 seat) | 10-18 | USD450 | 11HRS |
Note: all the prices above you pay in US Dollar or local currency (1$=4100riel).
- Pure drinking water
- Good air-conditioning vihecles (Lexus Rx300(suv), van)
- Stop some places for lunch or coffee break